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Node.JS VS Next.JS: key features and differences of popular JavaScript Frameworks

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By Simon Whiteman

The JavaScript interpreter remains one of the defining frameworks in making websites interactive. The results were excellent, and the process was achieved by setting all computations on the local machine through the JavaScript engine. JS—which was initially confined only to the browser was made available to the local machine, and with this change, many new features were unlocked. With JavaScript came frameworks that defined structures within which programs were created. These frameworks include Node.js, Next.js, Vue.js, Vanilla.js, and more. This article will look into Node and Next, their features and other things you need to know if you want to develop a program or hire node.js developer or next.js developer.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is open source and a cross-platform environment that allows web and app developers to create network and server-side applications. The Node.js application is a framework written within the popular JavaScript language and can run seamlessly within OS X, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.

Node also has extensive JS modules, which makes developing web applications a lot easier and quicker to understand.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a production-ready framework created and written within the JavaScript and Typescript language. The program allows the web developer to quickly and seamlessly create dynamic and static JAMstack websites. Next.js is a widely popular framework, and many enterprise organizations use it for quite a large project due to its versatile functionality and successful speed attempt. Next.js is an Open-source Create React App –CRA, frontend development framework, and has versatile functionalities, including server-side rendering and generation of static websites.

Node.js Versus Next.js: The Differences

  1. The CRA—Create React App is used to build React applications with Node.js, while the CAN—Create Next App is used to build applications with Next.js.
  2. js directory structure has prominent differences from the directory structure of Next.js.
  3. For Node.js, the js.App.js is the main file in the App component in the Create-React-App –CRA. On the other hand, the Next.js has the _app.js files, which allows and enhances the loading of initial props through the getInitialprops function within the app structure. The function allows preloading and server-side rendering.
  4. js versatile functionalities allow webpack compiling and code splitting. The babel configurations in the package.json can be specified. The webpack can also be specified, allowing vast and specific structure-levels. On the other hand, for Node.js’s CRA, the npm must be run-build for the code to be ready for production. (It’s a stiffer functionality when compared to the Next.js).
  5. js has a functionality termed the RFR—React-Fast-Refresh. The RFR is a more advanced version of the Hot Reloading component that naturally comes with the CRA. The RFR allows the react app to reload seamlessly and quickly. The RFR also allows the execution of codes to be faster and more seamless.
  6. js has the static file serving functionality. With this functionality, CSS files, robots.txt, images, and global js files can be stored in the public folder. When any of the files are needed, you can call them with their relative paths. The CRA allows static file serving, but the files must be placed within an external library and stored within a global variable that must be referenced within the code. The reference is essential for callbacks.
  7. Create-react-app has a slow and cumbersome deployment process. While the Next.js is production-ready from the inception of the project, the create-react-app isn’t, and deployment differs. The deployment processes for CRAs may prove frustrating due to wait-time. You can always find the CRA deployment technique within the documentation.
  8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be easily performed or executed with Next because Next makes more data available than Node. SEO is a very important factor for web and app developers. What’s the use of developing a web program or an app if it is not visible? SEO begins from the web or app program’s intricate structure and how the structures or layers are created to ensure more visibility and search-find within search engines.



From the list of differences between the functionalities of Next.js and Node.js, it is apparent that the Next.js offers wider and more versatile functionalities and is more widely used by companies. However, many companies usually employ both Next and Node to make a superior quality web application. Therefore, you must take note of the differences while attempting to build your web applications.


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