Simple Steps To Reclaim Hacked Facebook Account

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By Simon Whiteman

Facebook appears to take their security measures very seriously, which makes the hacking a little difficult for the hacker but in case you have not signed to any of the security measures, then it’s possible that the hacker can gain access to your Fb account. In this case, it’s difficult to reclaim it but remember, nothing is impossible. We can say that we have the finest resources for recovering a hacked facebook account, but we surely have a list of it. We’ve collated the majority of what we know to assist you in restoring it on your own.


Steps on how to reclaim the account

The procedures to reclaim your hacked Facebook account are outlined below:

1.   Take immediate action:


In case you receive an email from Facebook regarding questionable behaviour, don’t ignore it. Instead, take action immediately to protect yourself because remember, if someone has access to your fb account for a longer period, then there is a possibility that they can update your sensitive information. If this happens, it will make it more difficult for you to regain control over your hacked account Facebook.


Go over all the security emails that you have received from Facebook and make sure you’re following the directions given. Then, click on the “Change Password” or “Secure your account,” or any other link that may assist you in regaining your Facebook id hack.


We would recommend that you take safety measures to avoid such scenes in the future. On the one hand, you have the option to go for the “Two-Factor (step) Authentication.” Doing so will virtually eliminate the possibility of my Fb account being hacked, even if the hacker has changed your email or password. You just have to enter your phone number and ensure you choose the Text verification system rather than the verification system of the app because you might not have been able to connect back into your Fb account if you misplaced your phone and authentication app. On the other hand, you can download vpn app on your smartphone. A virtual private network (VPN) provides a security link between the internet and you. Whenever you use a VPN to access the internet, everything in your data is transferred over an encoded virtual tunnel. This will protect your valuable data.


2. Recovering my Fb account with family and friends:


If you are unable to retrieve the account on your own, your friend or a family member could assist you. You must be wondering how I can recover my FB account? Don’t stress over it. We’ll guide you on how to recover your Fb account hacked through this method.


  • Request your friend to login and navigate to your Fb profile which you’re trying to retrieve. Select the “Find support” or “report profile” option from the three dots that you can see under your profile name.
  • Then click on ‘I can’t access my account’ from the window and later proceed to ‘Next.’
  • After doing so, “Recover this account” will appear.
  • Select ‘No longer have access to these?’ from the drop-down menu. It is located near the window’s bottom.
  • However, to reach the Facebook Support team, you can enter the phone number or email address that you have access to currently, then ‘Continue’ to proceed further.


You may be requested to upload a valid form of identification, such as your driver’s licence or passport. In addition, it may occasionally request that you upload that particular document directly by snapping a picture using your webcam. In that scenario, ensure you have good lighting in the room to take a clear picture. Remember that every detail must be evident. Your driver’s licence or passport cannot be cut in any way. However, it would help if you were patient because it can take one-two weeks for Facebook to respond after you’ve uploaded something.

3. How can I recover my Facebook account without a phone number and password?


In case you have previously added trusted contacts to your Fb account for safety, then you can recover your account through them as well. You may be given the option to request a code from your trusted contacts in order to recover access to your hacked account facebook.



The screenshot below will show you what will appear on your window.

Once you get to this page, make sure you choose a new email address that you haven’t used before on Facebook. After providing a new email address, Facebook may link you to the recovery option given below:

To recover your hacked facebook account, you can request codes from trusted contacts.

Please don’t close this form while sending the recovery link to your trustworthy contacts. Your buddies will be given a one-of-a-kind code to transmit to you. Once they receive it, you can add that code here and click Proceed once you are done. Unfortunately, some customers have spent much time obtaining recovery codes from their pals, rendering the form useless. If this happens to you, you’ll have to start over.


After using this recovery option, you will receive the above-attached message. To get back your hacked Facebook account, they would provide you with a link to your renewed email address. We’ve seen clients complete all of these procedures yet never receive a connection from Facebook; if this happens to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Facebook support team.

4. Recover through your old password?


We would suggest you take all the measures for the safety of your account. Whether it is setting up the two-factor security setting in which you get a text message of the code or if it has a VPN for a smartphone. Earlier, iOS didn’t have access to it, but now people with an iPhone can install it as now you can find vpn for iphone very easily.


In case you don’t have any of these and even the above-discussed procedures don’t for you, then you may wish to seek our assistance. If you received the below message from Facebook:


Then, you are supposed to click on “Secure My Account”.


Doing so gives you an option to “send code via email.” This way, you’ll get an email with the recovery code.


Concluding this article here, as we believe that you may find a way to your account through any of the above-discussed methods. However, to avoid getting your Facebook account hacked, it’s better to take all the possible security measures because these recovery methods won’t work all the time.









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